Florence Crittenton receives grant from the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Florence Crittenton is delighted to announce they have received a $188,000 grant from the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust. These funds represent an award received by Florence Crittenton to fund a Director of Operations position, and ancillary related expenses, for three years providing invaluable strength to Florence Crittenton’s infrastructure and operational excellence during such a […]
Spring 2022 Newsletter

Latest Parenting Class Dates
Circle of Security® At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research […]
Florence Crittenton receives grant from the Sunderland Foundation
Florence Crittenton is delighted to announce they have received $450,000 in funding from the Sunderland Foundation. These funds represent an award received by Florence Crittenton to fund the renovation of the historic Cooney Property in Helena to turn it into the campus so critically needed in our community and state to meet the needs of […]
Florence Crittenton Family Services Launches Project Sunshine
Florence Crittenton is delighted to announce the launch of a Capital Campaign named Project Sunshine, to raise $4,500,000 to renovate the historic Cooney Property and transform it into a true campus for their programs serving young families in the Helena community and across the state of Montana. In December 2021, Florence Crittenton purchased the Cooney […]
Florence Crittenton Receives CDBG Grant
Florence Crittenton is delighted to announce they have received $1.25 million in funding from the County through a Community Development Block Grant – CARES Act fund. This funding will enable Florence Crittenton to expand their services to young families by supporting the purchase of the former Cooney campus located on Cooney Drive. The acquisition of […]
2022 Parenting Classes
Do you know any parents that could benefit some additional support and encouragement? Florence Crittenton can help with a wide variety of parenting classes facilitated by Emily Roehm our fantastic parent educator. Circle of Security® Parenting is an attachment-based nurturing approach to understanding children’s needs.. The program is based on decades of research about how secure […]
Fall 2021 Newsletter: Where Compassion Meets Action

Admissions Update
Like many other residential programs across the state of Montana, Florence Crittenton has been facing staffing shortages. In order to ensure the high quality care which we pride ourselves in providing for the families in our programs we are currently not taking new admissions into our Youth Maternity Program for young adults ages 12-21. Our […]
Parenting Classes
Florence Crittenton offers parenting classes to parents of all ages, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents and professionals working with families. Our judgement free, supportive environment helps parents learn skills to help raise healthy, responsible children and build strong loving relationships. To find out more information or to register call Jen Burckhard at 406 442 6950 x207 […]