Florence Crittenton’s Support Our Girls 2020 A Smashing Success!
Florence Crittenton is delighted to announce their 10th Annual Support Our Girls online fundraising event was a smashing success! This fun event gathered the community together to enjoy gourmet appetizers and drinks at home while tuning into a hilarious online auction of fabulously decorated bras. The grand total raised was a record breaking $24,165. These […]
New Parenting Classes
Florence Crittenton is excited to announce several new parenting classes that are available to all parents in the Helena Community. Classes will be held at Helena College, University of Montana, 1115 N Roberts St, Helena, MT 59601. All class participants are required to wear masks and social distance. Love and Logic – Early Childhood (ages […]
Current Wish List
Please Click Here to see a list of the current items on our wish list.
Do I have a problem? by Kendall Small, Licensed Addictions Counselor
The current Coronavirus situation has triggered stress and anxiety in many of us and with that the need to self sooth. Some are wondering if they are going to need weight watchers or AA or both at the end of this pandemic. But joking aside what are the indicators that you may have a problem […]
Annual Report 2019

In a world where we are overcome with concerns about the safety and wellbeing of our children, we at Florence Crittenton believe that path to change starts by ensuring our most vulnerable citizens – our children – have the best possible start. We believe this requires compassion, hard work and change.
Spring 2020 Newsletter

In a world where we are overcome with concerns about the safety and wellbeing of our children, we at Florence Crittenton believe that path to change starts by ensuring our most vulnerable citizens – our children – have the best possible start. We believe this requires compassion, hard work and change.
Childhood Fear and Anxiety: What is Normal and When We Should Take Action
By Andrea Holmes, Director of Strategic Growth and Programs Parents often wonder if their children’s fears and anxieties are a normal part of development. Much like adults, children experience a variety of emotions, albeit uncomfortable at times, which allow them to navigate their world in a meaningful way. Childhood itself can be an anxious experience. […]
Current Wish List
Current Most Needed Items WISH LIST (updated 6/2020) Welcome Packs • New hairbrushes • New Twin Comforters and Twin Sheet sets • Laundry Baskets Stock our Shelves • Baby towels/Toddler towels, washcloths, and shower curtains • Diapers size 4, 5, 6 –Non scented baby wipes – Diaper Genie refills, Diaper rash cream • Crib sheets […]
Warning Signs of Substance Use and How to Address Substance Use with Your Child
By Kendall Small, Licensed Addictions Counselor, Florence Crittenton There are many concerns with raising children in a technology heavy era, one concern being potential substance use. Symptoms of substance use can be difficult to recognize due to the commonality of behavior that are associated with being a teen such as mood swings, sleeping more than […]
Covid-19 Update
While the country is practicing social distancing and shelter in place measures, we wanted to update you on what we are doing at Florence Crittenton to navigate theses unchartered waters. Florence Crittenton’s leadership team continues to closely monitor the evolving situation with COVID-19. Providing services in a creative manner that allows us to still maintain […]